Monday, July 8, 2013

East Branch

Tonight was my first trip to the famed East Branch. I headed out after work to a TU "Meeting on the River" but unfortunately ended up being the only one in attendance. I admit, I was disappointed as I was really looking forward to learning some new tips and tricks from the far more experienced anglers in my chapter.

It wasn't meant to be, but I had a beautiful evening with the stream entirely to myself for most of it. There was too much runoff from an earlier downpour at the Shinhopple bridge, so I headed up stream to a public fishing access between Shinhopple and Downsville. The water was very cold, very clear, and covered in a thick mist after the rains. Peaceful and beautiful. 

I didn't see any surface activity, and my prospecting skills are quite lacking at the moment so I didn't have much luck.  I tried swing a muddler minnow for a while, then switched to hi-vis hopper with a #18 sulfur tied on the bend about 18" off of that (I couldn't see the sulfur in the mist).  Finally, I switched the sulfur for a Prince nymph but got nary a nibble.  Absent rises, I really don't have a good strategy for finding fish. 

At one point, toward the end of my evening when I was doubting the presence of any fish in that damn river, a 20"+ rainbow drifted downstream to within a foot of my waders, held there for a solid half minute, and then casually drifted off downstream.  It was pretty amazing.  He didn't seem to care I was there at all.  He was so close I could see a large white mark on his snout and another on his dorsal fin (scars, maybe?).  And then, as I was leaving, a guy showed up in flip flops and a ripped t-shirt, casted out a panther martin on his spinning rod, and hooked another huge rainbow on his second cast.  I admit, it was some consolation to me when it broke his line and took off.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Failed Experiment

I had an hour or so before sundown so I decided to try a local public fishing access on the lower Charlotte Creek about 15 minutes from my house. Man, that was a mistake!

Not only was the water tepid and murky (total frog water) but the Mosquitos were so voracious my OFF! Didn't phase them in the least. I barely made it back to my car without being carried off or reduced to a bloodless, shriveled prune. It reminded me of the Far Side cartoon where the explorers are being swarmed by a cloud of Mosquitos and one of the is shouting, "Jenkins! You idiot!" while holding a can of "ON!"

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Early morning on the West Branch

I had backup lined up to watch the kiddos (my mom-in-law, sis-in-law, and future bro-in-law were visiting) so I snuck out before sunup and headed to Hamden to try my luck.

No trout came my way and I suspect the water is getting to be a bit warm coz this big fella was lurking in one of my favorite trout runs (caught on a muddler minnow):