Hook: Mustad R90 nymph size 12
Thread: gray
Tail: grizzly and brown hackle fibers
Body: Natural Wool (gray) tied in dubbin loop here
Rib: silver Wapsi wire
Hackle: grizzly and dun hen hackle
Opt: weight with 6-7 turns lead-free wire
If you're patient and cool, who knows what you'll find here (though you can be fairly certain it will relate to fly fishing, far-fetched fish tales, and/or fly tying patterns all for my own personal amusement and future reflection).
Hook: Dry Fly (14 or 16)
Thread: Olive
Tail: Dark Dun Ultra Fibbets
Body: Olive Super Fine Dubbin
Wing: Dark Dun CDC
Hook: Dry Fly (12 or 14)
Thread: Brown
Body: Dark Dun CDC
Wing: Elk Hair (Deer hair subbed above)
Hook: Dry Fly (12 or 14)
Thread: BrownWing: Wood Duck Flank (Mallard subbed above)Tail: Natural Dun Hackle Fibers
Body: Hendrickson Pink Super Fine Dubbing
Hackle: Natural Dun
Late April to first 3/4 of May.
Hook: Emerger or Dry Fly
Thread: OliveTail: Dun Hackle Fibers
Abdomen: Stripped Peacock Herl
Thorax: Olive Super Fine DubbingWing Post: Poly Yarn (or calf-tail or similar)Hackle: Dun, tied parachute style
Hook: Nymph
Thread: Olive or BrownTail: 3-4 Ring-neck Pheasant tail fibers
Ribbing: Copper Wire
Body: 10 pheasant tail fibersWing Casing: Pheasant tail fibers (same as body)Thorax: Peacock Herl (traditional) or dubbed (IE hare's ear)Legs: Pheasant tail fibers (same as body)
Hook: Emerger or Dry Fly
Thread: Olive or BrownTail: 10 pheasant tail fibers
Ribbing: Copper Wire
Body: 10 pheasant tail fibers (from tail)Wing Post: Poly Yarn (or calf-tail or similar)Hackle: Brown, tied parachute style